Video 46
Bhagavatam - 3.5.1-2 7- ( Book 3, Chapter 5 verse 27- 42 )
foreign [Music] the son of basudeva the destroyer of the Demons the dear darling of mother devaki and the guru of the entire universe I salute him again and again so we are back to our reading of the bhashree mother bhagavat and we are on the book number three chapter number five and we start today from March 27. so the discussion was going on the question the creation and how this creation has come from Brahman and this creation Theory actually in vedantic perspective discretion is not there it only appears that's why everyone describes so differently panchadushi is vedanta text to find that this is the creation is done this way Brahman is equal to Maya and how sat rajasantham Thomas and from how the satta comes rajas comes all these it is how the five elements are there are three gunas out of the three universe that con absolute Brahman deflected through pragati composed the three qualities so here are three fine that that is the way of description is some but we have to understand these disc descriptions may not match everywhere what is said in the panchatoshi may not be meeting with the bhagavata or it may be specifically mentioned in one scripture and the other that because Maya is non-existent actually ultimately not there to create a concept how is the Maya and then to go beyond Diva main thing my eye is not the goal goal is they are divine sachidananda so they described my eyes like this my eyes like that that's okay but Maya who who's Maya Shakti shaktimaan in the Tantra Shakti is the power shaktimaan whose power so immediately Brahman is the main thing of contention so we have read in the beginning the Lord bhagavan alone existed I am just reading verse number 23 just to connect today in the beginning the Lord bhagavan he alone existed he was the essence of all and he was old he the pure Spirit was the master of himself so alone he was alone and he was the master of himself and all that is called the many was by his will he willed wished and it came and ultimately dissolved in him this non-dual and self-revealing seal so this that Brahman which is known to only one and he saw what he saw how can he see anyhow he saw these are all when a dance which cannot be explained everything is Maya where did Maya come from you cannot say that you have to assume something that that is there so you just said this non-dual and self revealing Shear this year does not need anybody to see we focus a light on that in the darkness this light is necessary to focus to see this but it is his own light self Revealing Light when the this non-dual and self reviewing seer so no object he didn't find anything to see anymore but he's their own as if he himself is trying to see many but he didn't find anybody but accepting himself this is very confusing time no only one how can he see his eyes are necessary to see another thing is there but he willed that will is still his self-revealing and when the power and its manifestation subsided and the Seer alone remained the spirit thought of himself as non-existent as the subject has no relevancy without the object there is no if there is no subject or object where is the question of subject of you say object in reference to context of the subject so if there is no object there is no subject and you cannot say it is a subject so non-existent and the himself as if I don't exist I am there is nothing I I don't see any object and this knowledge came out of himself it is self-revealing in his own essential light and what is called this Maya is the power of that witness or this year the power who was inside wants to see his power that is called Maya see the same all round about it is brahman's power Maya it has got the Dual nature of being in the states of cause and effect so it functioned in both ways one in the form of cause and another in the form of perfect it is that by which the all-powerful one manifestations the of the whole universe it is that by which the all-powerful one manifests the whole universe so that is this is the truth where the all all-powerful Brahman was there he manifests in this way and how he does is this is possessed of the the Lord possessed of The Power Of Consciousness he has the power sachidan on the power inside and the manifesting as purusha he benefited himself by the purusa of his idea cast his seed in his Maya he said his wish I'll be many that seed he cast in the purusha consciousness whose constituents of the and then what is that seed the seed of three three who a constituents of the trigunas are agitated by the power of time the time click click click click click so time agitated that showing that absolute unchanging truth this will then try to manifest something out of that in foreign prompted by time came into being the bhatta Matata the all comprehending entity so first Mahatma how in the purusa manifested as Mahatma which is self-conscious is self-conscious you don't need anything because he is behind that is the conscious self is self-conscious luminosity and dispel the covering of Darkness and reveals the universe which was existing in himself so this Mahatma then revealed what is inside in the Brahman the entire creation come from that Brahman so three gunas are cast into it so all the energy is coming from within and getting manifested which consists of the Lord's part it is not separate that Mahatma is not separate other than that of the Lord's part Lots but been sachidananda is it a part of sachidananda is the purusa and purusa is manifesting as Mahatma so this this and the time spirit being subject to the Lord's look desire to create and transform himself into another condition so he created from he created the other other elements came first existence of the eye category from Matata 24 Cosmic principles the formula first comes that's the difference between vedanta vedanta says buddhi cognate cognitive power but vedanta's ego comes first oh that's in a panchoosa is the buddhi is the ego but here because it's Uncle philosophy it says my doctor comes fast and then comes of course but here you don't not to bring comparison there and let us understand the Sanko now we are focused on sound quality so he says that that is this way it is explaining here bhagavat is explaining so he born from that Mahatma in the Mahatma was that ego I must have to comes into existence as if it was not there ego came up trying and I category this High category manifested as elements organs and mind which form the physical foreign aspects of us are found we have this physical entity at the foot of a mind out of that buddhi came to mind and the sense organs and then they created the physical body and physical body has three acid one is you know his body is made of Buddha a devotee David reflected consciousness the eye category has three that I what is called the I is divided into adiable but it has three categories what are the three rajas and Thomas manifested as ego ego make a three division one is could you imagine plus added with his own sakthi reflected comes first manifestation ego ego spread into three division at that Nick and let me see what it says is this complicated area when you enter into the creation very complicated when you go to Brahman it is so easy there is no problem of anything but whenever you talk about the creation all completed my brain will be jumbled up [Music] ultimately it is not there that's why it is all complicated they are creating something which is not there and then ultimately you'll say with the knowledge oh it was not there so why you created because you see that you are in trouble I want to help you so the scriptures say I am not helping you it is like the idea the child is in the mind of the child the ghost idea is created and when creation to say that there is no ghost at all huh out of the satwa aspect mind and the presiding deities in India's we live in subject Roc now satta quality is always it reveals it is such a light it reveals that means what is there so quality aspect mind and the presided mind is enlightened mind is there but my home mind functions is the light of that through the satta quality I behind I ego Mark doctor behind purusha purusa's light percolate to Ego ego percolate to mind and maybe with the three gunas and Sato and satta now manifesting as the aspect mind and the presiding is presiding deities presenting it is means I is controlled by what some gods and goddesses every Hinduism every organ is a master god and deity to control it [Music] is not random the hand we know in draw is the god of hand because that story therefore my hand is not my hand is controlled by the deity that means this gives an idea in this if we can apply in our life that everything is God's power who am I why do I identify with me mine and all this because it is not my power it is the power of God controlling the movement of the finger and so out of satta aspect mind and the presiding deities of injures who illumine objects the arrows so mind arrows and all the senses a sense organs controllers gods the sense organs of knowledge and action and permission of the Raja aspect of eye category so in Rio the senses the of the knowledge and knowledge and action ganondio and Karma India our permission is formed out of rajas is all his activity is only manifest that the gods are there they are revealing things but to action it comes from the rajas aspect of it the Thomas aspect of I category originates the subtle elements air water fire is just this these are the Buddhas gross Buddha but before that it is the subtle Buddhas yeah that means when you've seen the dream dream Earth Dream Water dream air when you breathe in their dream body what what you are breathing this physical body is breathing the grocery app but in your dream when you are there you are alive how are you alive you are also breathing there is not added with Waters water mix mixture here all panchika punch you know a pure you say what did you eat today I had rice and Dal no we may say use this terminology meaning rice is the major portion you didn't eat on the rice in India we eat so much rice so people say what did you eat I had rice and Dal that's all but rice may be so much major portion is right that's why it's called rice but it does not mean that you didn't take a glass of water you didn't take a little Dal all spinach or potato or some other item five items were all there but predominantly it was rice you say what did you eat today pasta you didn't eat the whole pasta only the pasta with pasta you added some other five other three four item cheese or you put some sauce sauce or something like that when it is creation coming pure there it is only pure water water is only water here is only here that is subtle body the Thomas aspect of I a category originates the subtle elements or sound out of that sound comes the element which is the considered the body of the Lord according to the will of the Lord generates the sense of touch touch transforms under the influence of time Maya and the Divine will becomes air foreign or color from that game the element of fire which is as it were at the eye of the world fire with air and its proximity proximate category transform Itself by the will of the Lord into water so anyhow so with the mixing down down down mixture the khichuri is becoming cooked and all these items are coming one after another the influenced by of time Maya and the divine presence water water with fire at this proximate category evolved by the Lord's will and with the help of time Maya so Maya and the Divine pigeons producing Earth having the quality of smell so he is saying that from actually it is from purusho then Mahatma then you go three parts and Thomas so from that all this creation right from the senses and down to the presiding deity to the subtle element subtle element of air water fire Etc down to gross earth air water what we have seen so their time is time factor is one thing and in the influence of Maya and the obedura in regard to these elements beginning with akasa those that succeed retaining all the qualities of the earlier ones because of their having intimate connections with them so very fine dispute but you go then water a castle element is also there and also the Water Element say you say the in the water and every item have more qualities of the other one it is a mixture so that's why it says that's the akaso has sound that is quality no finer bio when the air has two by you when both the sound and the touch no you go to the akaso the space akaso is the only has sound disease quality you know you can make a noise you can make a sound but now you go to the next to Dubai it is element also here because Bayou moves the air moves well in the space can you think of air no space that's why it is faster some background air contains the Akash also a castle quality and also by your air quality now next you go to the fire eating three things fire happens in the space space is necessary where the fire is burning and this it has a form and you touch it it burns and it doesn't sound so all the other qualities are mixed into later on grocer and grosser object subtler and subtle Moon singular singular to double double to triple triple to four times like that all the elemental things have manifested from Akash or to buy you why you to Agni Agni so these are the five elements Akasha akashat bio so BYU will have two elements Akash element plus the BIOS element is touch Ed by BYU Agni have and then touch as also known strength of it now you go to the Bible [Music] ah Joel In The Water you find it's it is in the space do you get this when you look at this water in the ocean but version is okay it what is in the space and then it has the power the other three qualities of the earlier qualities and also this sweetness so water taste as as also test is the main thing water but sound touch and form three previous qualities and the Earth Earth is smell is the major thing of the Earth element has also previous qualities test sound touch and form do you get it bro no this verses is telling that big only you know because [Music] foreign [Music] those that are succeed retaining all the qualities of the earlier ones because they are having intimate connection with them therefore now you understand Akasha has only sounded this quality very pure that's why our Castle is very all expensive where he is not a castle in all the galaxies and planes of existence in the stars and there is a castle there is Akasha in the room Akashi in my body so akashek spreads everywhere the finest that's why Akash is the first creation and pure creation is what how do you understand in the sound in the space only we in villages you remember when people used to call each other one long distance earlier that you have not seen those days people are living on that Village and this is where something has happened they are warning they will shout how and make some sound it goes from this Village to that place there's no telephone no other way of communication by sound something serious comes we'll alert ourselves like this fire comes or a jungle tiger comes or something we will make a sound between us so if this sound happens in the space that is limited sound is limited but sound happens in the space all these noise comes in the space does akasho has sound as his quality remember that akasu being the purest manifestation from purushan to prakiti and to his qualities the purest manifestation is the castle and what is the characteristic of Akash sound when Wind Blows you see the sound here is sound as his quality bio has both sound and touch and it hits you the bio is hot or cold or shivering with shivana oh it's heavy by wind blowing no so it has touched another Power Within so bio has two quality then a cancer quality of sound is there and the touch quality is there no this sound is sound this is our perceived experience even in it is there in the subtle body also in the dream also we see there is wind blowing and storm coming if you have that experience you'll find the sound is the way the wind is making sound no um this quality of Bio is sound where is air there is sound has the sound so in the water you can find sound in the air you dig the Earth you can find some sound because that is the primary thing percolated in all this future creation the fundamental quality is percolating into akashu quality percolating into the bio quality by you will have two things its own characteristics and akasok's characteristic then you go they will have akaso characteristic biocharacteristic plus their own characteristic like that it will go on adding adding adding foreign [Music] that's why people say that last sense organ when the body goes out you know the last sound let's say you repeat the God's name in the year to remember remind them so that there's maybe every sensation sense organ collapsed given up but this last one to akasu akaso because The Prana marches that is that that was within the category of sound itself that's very long that long you are in creation when this mahakasa the state is we are talking about the creation creation means foreign foreign but we are talking about the growth in the gross we find this distinction then you can understand then maybe in the subtle also these things remain [Music] they are mixed sound then sound is the finest thing and sound is the place where our Mantra Japan all sound sound and fast sound is OM they say that that comes from the space so that's akaso has signed a sound as his quality bio has two quality but sound and touch and the fire has three qualities sound is already there the form touches there these two plus it has the form bio has a form means when the fire fire is the form no when the fire burns you see it is it takes a shape of the object so it has a form but a castle no form you cannot find any forms so in fire there will have the quality of the castle and also the bio both a castle quality only in the akaso sound bio you have sound quality as also touch quality heat cold you feel but is even when the wind blows you can feel that your body senses can sense it and buy you to 500 me sound will be there touch will be there also and then the fire will have the form and now water water will have all this quality but it will have the um first will have sound it will have then this uh touch will be there Pawn will be there as also taste the water taste so these are the way Pancho Hooters so they are all created they are all manifested in Gross Gross are groceries are that way Earth is in the last one by both sound and touch fire then sound touch was spawn water then it will be the form and touch sound and test come on and art will be smell at it that's why all the represent s yeah flower is what flower is actually coming from the Earth to all the flowers fragrance grows that's a smell are still here cloth is the space and water is there water element water so light element worship God you are so big what shall we do how can I worship you so the whole element of the fire is I am invoking in this lamp no then after that water water element you know all the elements in in which the whole creation is running on my permutation combination I am offering to you because five five third one no no if you say a castle what she is he says that Krishna has come back to home at the end of the day so mother first with life looking at Krishna how that is here then with water she is washing then with clothes she's wiping and then with the flower flower she is decorating and then with fan she made him very comfortable and then let him go play with others again yeah that is a vishna movie of thinking and anyhow so they are all related to God it's offered back to God okay so these are the five five elements and creation Now now 37 verse the presiding deities of all these elements so how many elements you got five elements all parts of Vishnu so we say each one has a presiding deity no as as he first see the whole system is going on in the material world no but is there any finance minister to look after the financial part of U.S is it not yes there is in the government system but we don't see him Suppose there is some education department someone is authorized I am the boss of the entire California education system no we don't see him but he is there similarly every my hand is moving a hand has a god the eyes are there eyes have a god and yes it has a God so touched touch all uncontrolled by gods but these gods are what the power of the one God one God's name is like that in this country the president's power power is Comfort to president president distributes his power to a democratic way okay you look after this department I will look after the though that looking after the department giving the authority to God the absolute when he said I'll be many he has no time to look after all these details he said you create deceived all that you looked up you looked after so if they all become gods and goddesses and they are the controller of each organ of what we are saying about air water fire Etc so the presiding deities of all these elements all are all parts of Lord Vishnu capacities of change he can change sometimes God can change different in the cabinet what happens the minister is changed one person is changed another person is put here another person is taken up that change can be resuppling the cabinet so they can change the cabinet minister change their position and name could not bring the element to mix into various combinations and produce the universe so they prayed so the this individual gods and goddesses cannot do anything so they need to be United to pray to Vishnu so it makes little sense now why is they are asking all the goddess are saying O Vishnu please Lord please protect us they are gods so many gods assembled you know in the chundi when the demon was so many rudely disturbing the peace and they are all dethroned from their Kingdom their power shall come then they said what to do they went to God Vishnu the god of gods from whom all this thing has come to combine the effort of them so he said oh Lord and so they prayed to the Lord and saluting him what he said the deities all the gods of the all the sense organs is that no sun is the god of the eyes no say we can see light here is a sound no what is the devotee Island like that so if there is a different gods of food but so anyhow so so they all combine together and went to Lord Vishnu oh Lord the holy feet constitute a vegetable umbrella to the Ouija Travelers seeking Shelter From The Heart of samsara so you are about you are the Abode that is this people has troubled in the life of suffering and running and coming and going this sanctuary so you are the like an umbrella to protect them under your shed so so seeking shelter at thy feet the spiritual Seekers cross the ocean of sanctuary with utmost ease we say some we don't sing here but it is a song composed by Sami Vivekananda or ramakrishna so he said that somebody your feet is like an sampath wealth it is for the devotees why because it can help us to cross the ocean of cycle of birth and death by so seeking shelter at your feet the spiritual seeker can cross the ocean of sanctuary with atmosis if they can take shelter they need not have to do any the surrender itself will give them freedom to the Lotus feet of that Lord our salutation again and again oh Father and Lord of All in This fear of transmigatory existence the jivas like us distressed by the Triad of miseries are not able to attain to the inherent Priests of the Atman unless they seek shelter at thy feet the people in the world like us you cannot get any Redemption unless you take refuse at the feet of krsna the Lord all pervaded God therefore we [Music] seek shelter at those feet therefore I we are all seeking shelter at your feet the sages striving for you in solitude messages what they do they go in solitude in the caves or in the Himalayas or in the forest they striving for you they want to reach you the insolitude along with The Path of Knowledge resort to The Vedas which are like birds coming out of their nests constituted of your Lotus feet peace thy low peace Lotus as the coast of the birds can guide a person to the nest The Path of Knowledge taught at the upanishads guide a person to him so following The Path of Knowledge have people following the upanishads they reach you in the yogis going into the deep forest or in the cave they meditate on that no we devotees but we are devotees we cannot go to the forest we cannot go anywhere so we're taking Refuge at your feet we'll get it right now I'm giving power of attorney that means I'm not allowed to worry about anything anymore yeah that means surrender so I worry about something that I have not given not given it yeah so if I say I give you a part of a journey then I get an idea to do something his idea yeah when you give me you'll feel that that really you will feel that you are not moving anything you cannot think of anything first you think of God so much and God forces you to do something that is a subjective experience whether you are doing with your wish or you are doing by God's ways when your own understanding will be cleared from that that it is an experience and one can understand when I am doing I plan this will be done that will be done and this is my ego I will do this I'll do that I'll I am planning but when you say no no shall I do it oh Lord what do you say shall I do you are advancing to a surrender and you are asking the question internally no one will know outside for your all action oh Lord make me your servant I am your instrument so constantly your away awareness is going to him and if you go to his awareness then your ego is reducing reducing reducing and when you with that sanction or internal discussion when you do that then you will be doing your ego is getting off huh so one Swami once told them that we are we surrender so much to Tamper we ask him to do things but we keep our plan B daily by chance he fails that means we don't surrender we want our things to be done and we said God I shall I do it okay I told you okay let me go no those who have surrendered they will take time is to take some time if any crucial question comes administrative question what is good for the Sangha so people will put some question best example he will not even give me initiation oh I am not feeling what you come some other day and then people listen more as I wanted my children okay see what is an auspicious day in the almanac you find and there and then that day comes oh am I am not feeling good today my stomach is not working so these are all as as he is to behave like a child because he has not got the instruction from inside that's why some people asked him so do you do everything where are you with the order of the Lord only he said yes I do not do anything without us without his order they understand because they get so much unless they get a positive response from inside what that I do not know until you have to feel it then you can do that work and that is the best because then you are the instrument will have no say in the running of the cars you know because it is the master driver will decide whether it will take you right right lane left lane Middle Lane or in the heater car or boom and topple three times it is not the car's decision it's all the decision of the driver so God is the driver so surrender to him is a very serious thing surrender is the end of spiritual journey it does not come but practice practice is practice we devotees however sick shelter at your holy feet and your freed from your heat which flows the ganga it is a belief that the ganga holy ganga in India its origin is the feet of the Lord Nara and to purify the Earth the mother ganga came from the feet of narayana that is divided the all purifying stream the stream Texas now the sick we seek shelter at those feet of yours on which sages of settled understanding meditate with hearts beautified by faith and by love generated by the hearing of the devotional texts by which they attend the highest form of renunciation and intimate knowledge of you see bhakti bhakti bhakti is not easy people think bhakti is easy Troublesome bhakti is saying why we seek shelter so I am asking shelter at your feet at those feet what feet I am searching for what what I am meditating that meditation on which the sages the Saints and sages have their subtle understanding in their meditation in their heart how by purified mind they meditated on you with the pure mind and by faith and by love see they have faith in your existence their love for that your Abode of peace and generated by hearing of the devotional text how that love came for God hearing again and again the glory of the Lord Krishna let narayana reading this type of bhakti scriptures the devotion generated more and more and more even sages and yogis they are to purify their heart by purification by reading the scriptures and by devotional texts hearing of the devotional sticks by which they attain by by this process of listening and reading listening praying loving purifying the heart they by which they attempt to the highest form of renunciation not so easy bhakti is easy not so easy he also renunciation they attend to the state of renunciation such a state he does not care anything in the world anything in the world does not matter for him so that's why it says they that attain the highest form not highest form of pronunciation minded not ordinary renunciation okay I don't take rasgulla today that is not renunciation I am not interested in anything in the world but they will be running where there is horikata where there is a discussion going on about God where there's holy people are assembled together when they are reading a scriptures or singing some Bhajan that will be their inclination they run for that thing and other things don't matter and it is not only not matter they're repulsive to that renunciation means repulsive ah even you don't enjoy not only enjoy you disgusted you have disgusted with them converting also bring this renunciation when you do Karma then your mind becomes pure and with I am doing for God doing for God doing for God then what happens you become detached to the result that will not when you can do that because yes but discuss to the world will come if you really be Karma Yogi and reach a point that your mind is so purified you will not be able to do one you'll be merry you will not be Martha anymore foreign [Music] but here work will drop automatically thakur said you're going you know you cannot walk anymore [Music] do any ritual history means what you are doing any Karma that was a mission they came in a world teacher to do something but you know when that Spirit of Purity will come for ordinary people like that they will be disinterested in work to make it because not they are interested in more absorption so much absorption they cannot function that is the point not that they have any intention of giving up they know it is but they become so absorbed and absorbed and absorbed bhakti school also will lead to the same conclusion and Karma Yoga will also leak that Purity ultimately Purity will come so much Purity will come then it is impossible for them to do anything by which they attain the highest form of renunciation and intimate knowledge renunciation is not negative thing but intimate knowledge knowledge is not intellectual intimate means you feel in every pore of your body that realization of thee like rasulullah sucked into this Syrah everywhere rasa joy joy please please please so we end here today 42 verse we will start 42 next day Okay so yeah we will that means this is the glory of surrendering to God they are talking about and when one surrenders every day if union marks surrendering their all actions to God and say I have no other intention I want you I want you I work for you this is only for you and doing like it takes long time it is not so easy we think that we'll achieve these things so easily and to achieve those who have achieved this state they are not in numbers of thousands among thousands of people are struggling to reach siddhi perfection those who are troubling themselves or working hard in this attempt of God realization question mark there are a few very rarely few they know me in his real truth in his real Essence so it is always to understand because we read Gospel of ramakrishna and ramakrishna goes to samadhi now and then so we sometimes make a mistake that is so easy now and not to find a ramakrishna every time after incarnations come when you see Rama came and people have world has to wait for Krishna to come Krishna came then they have to wait for Buddha to come Buddha came after 500 years Christ to come so people have to wait for 500 years to see one Incarnation to get one ramakrishna we have to wait for so many years it is not that it is easy they come and also to recognize them he has to bring his own people now who have such exalted experience they are all perfected people so but this is very wonderful to hear about this intense spiritual bhakti so we end here today and we will be in our class for something it at 7 30. so we um [Music] whatever we do just do our practice and tell oh Lord it is yours who take this spiritual life becomes discourage everyone [Applause] [Applause] no that is no that that because you know if you say Really they have no clear idea of what is spirituality and spiritual little vision little this and they think that is spiritual life it is not just a beginning and last is just you see what life that thing what is that light and you think that like ramakrishna someone will touch you and you will be immediate you cannot take that you're not will break you will be in the next day go to the psychiatric hospital yeah this labs are not ready for that is [Music] when you take it very realistically some people can understand 80 percent of those who take to spiritual life become Hypocrites why Hypocrites you look actually Christ said that don't be like Hypocrites why putting Mala and sitting in front of others when people are roaming around I am doing Japan I have seen that a balloon mod one time we are there to brahmachary's duty because some communist people said they will bum out our headquarters Temple because we are monks eating luxurious food and they are for the proletariats they're so poor no one takes care of them so they will come and make this balloon Temple thousand marble Temple no you say to throw bomb so we are given the duty to stand so that anyone comes for bombing let them bomb us first so that was the idea will be going around the temple all the time watching who is coming maybe anything then they will devote to police or something like that so now is that time I see that some one or two people will come in the Belmont Temple you go it is it can hold thousand people that that must be and there is a central Stone marble made like a lotus lotus like the Padma is there Lotus big Lotus and he will sit in the center so the center of Attraction anyone coming to this door and that door and that door and that door going back coming back and he's doing with the iso and making Mark and this and that our believer you see sadhus don't do all this this others are very simple and he is sitting there with a big rosary and it has hanging like at home and the hand is up so that everyone can watch him and on occasionally and you know many visitors used to come also Western visitor or something they immediately take a click and he's looking like oh again so that the hypocrisy comes and to show that I am spiritual now that's good no that's sincere people that I am not talking about there is mostly to show people that that's a tendency that my spirituality I am spiritually I am greater than you I'm higher than you I am better spiritual person than you but the real genuine people ramakrishna said they meditated under the mosquito cutting you don't understand mosquito Garden here but India is very important otherwise you'll be carried away mosquitoes so suppose you are in the early days and early morning people come out of his bed and who do you want to sleep then you still sleep then mosquito Garden is still there so this person does meditation in the uh in the mosquito Carton and people think that Babu is still sleeping but he is doing his spiritual paint money as much spiritual practice is done privately that much is better because people will not then Target you as a you are a spiritual person or anything so it is very important that we do it so 80 percent take to spiritual life becomes Hypocrites it is easier to be hypocrite to make an outward show without changing inwardly then to pass through all the troubles and difficulties of intense spiritual life that is the point we should intensify our spiritual life that is savages idea I mean insane because they practice something pranayama I have I have seen many some people come having headache having some problem doctors are not able to fix it because they read some book and in some instruction under the guide guidance and your life you cannot do pranayama because your life is not that pure and you're controlling your lungs and that will have some effect in the heart and lungs physical body therefore 50 percent become incense those who are not pure enough but try to be in touch with the cosmic Force come to grip many people ruin themselves that way if we want to possess pass a high voltage of electricity to a weak wear what will happen we shall blow a fuse and so there is great need for the practice of Purity you will blow the fuse but it refuses or does not go then the whole current will flow through you and you will be burnt that says spirituality that's why everyday spiritual practice we should have to focus on them so that when you do everyday spiritual practice our Purity level up the nerves as we said the other day nerves spiritual nerve generates it's called modern nerves what we are carrying these are capable of carrying ordinary emotions our everyday's emotions I'm joy and emotional it can carry that much but if it's a huge spiritual Force runs to these knobs it will crack that's why to build up that nerves strong nerves some Evolution now substitute muscles of iron that means physically strong why in spiritual life physically strength physical strength is also necessary and many physical strength may not be he is not a big wrestler that is not but the good health is necessary and also a good mind is necessary strong mind is necessary and purity of the heart is necessary thinking of God God pure Purity will come more and more and more so these sides if we pay attention then growth will be much easy okay thank you we have already done so this is extra it is not recorded recorded [Music]